Monday, June 27, 2011

Putting on the Ritz...

When the hubby heads to Atlanta for work, Maia and I always take the opportunity to tag along. Any chance to flee South Carolina (and be able to openly admit I am a liberal whack job on someone else's dime). So I did a little bit of bargain hunting and was able to book us a room at the Ritz Carlton for $132/night. Hot Damn!  We are gonna live it up.
On the afternoon of our departure, Geoff is extremely on edge. Anytime we leave town, there is always so much to do and a lot of our to-do list falls on him. I thought I did good, had the house cleaned up and Maia and I packed. BUT... the trash still needed to be taken to the dump (Yes, we lack the modern convenience of trash service), the animals needed to be taken to the kennel (I thought I was doing everyone a favor by boarding the dogs; My bad), and he still had to pack himself and load the car.
Well, I may have gotten the house picked up, but I hadn't cleaned out the refrigerator. Strike numero uno. Then, he had issues at the Vet's office which compounded his frustration. Strike dos. Once he got home, there was the last minute fretting about what mythical thing may be forgotten and or left undone before we head out.
Car loaded, kid buckled, time to hit the road. Not so fast, the Maxima won't start. This is a personal affront to Geoff. The neighborhood children learned some very new words. Shit, even I did. Our flashlight slammed against the floor, never to be seen by the warmth of hands again. Tres, you are out.  Everyone pile into the '86 Chevy sans A/C and head to Enterprise. Oh, wait, did I fail to mention, the pseudo-parade that makes a 1.2 mile trek take over 30 minutes (would have walked, but truck already in traffic).  Geoff couldn't help but note that this was how his favorite movie, Falling Down started.
Instead of accepting Geoff's diagnosis that my starter is gone, I insist on trying my car once more while he is at the rental store, so he can't lord over me with an "I told ya so." It started. Quick, call Geoff, cancel the car, pick up fuming husband, load car while running, and head to Hot-Lanta baby.

The Buckhead Ritz Carlton... looks exactly like expected.  Everyone was gracious and accommodating. The feelings of inadequacy came from us. Maia, on the other hand, was in her element. She was greeted with a tray of stuffed animals to choose from. And everyone addressed her by her chosen name of "Princess Maia." The saxophonist and pianist even played her requests. Our first morning, too afraid of leaving the hotel and getting stranded, Maia and I hit up the 5 Star restaurant for breakfast. After breakfast, we head to the pool where we run into Kevin Bacon leaving the hotel gym. I'm like a school girl waiting for the elevator with Ren McCormick. But of course we are going in opposite directions and knowing Maia would call me out, I choose to not stalk (It is a choice people!). Instead, I rush back to my hotel room and text everyone I know. Once Geoff gets back from work, we go out for dinner. I had decided earlier that if we get to the restaurant and back without issue, Maia and I would venture out the next day. Car starts. Rock on! Get to the tapas bar, have some yummy and over priced bites. On the way back to the hotel, we get stuck at a red light that was broken. Geoff in his road rage decides to run the light and puts the pedal to the medal- Car says, "Screw you!" and dies. Just our luck, run a red light and stall in the intersection. Up to this point, I have (in my humble opinion) handled all of the hiccups in stride. Once we get back to the hotel, I silently get out of the car, desert husband/child and head straight for the hotel bar. Only one margarita in, I accept that it is what it is.
That was until the following morning when Maia wakes up burning up and feeling like crap. I had planned on piling into a cab and hitting the town. Alas... Anything would have been cheaper than staying in the hotel all day. But we stay put, and it was expensive ($62 for room service breakfast, $18 to rent a movie, $4 for a Coke, $20 for lunch and $71 for dinner). But, we survived and had fun. I call around and decide that perhaps it is my car battery which is causing all of the havoc with the computer system. That allays my stress (not so much Geoff's).  Luckily, the trip home is uneventful. Needless to say, money is weighing heavy on my mind.
To sum up our Ritz trip, I chided Maia for passing gas in the hotel elevator and she responded, "But Mommy, Daddy said this is a fartsy hotel..."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I will it so...

Today, one of my dear childhood friends was laid to rest. She leaves behind many heartbroken people, warm memories, and a 2 year old son. Laurie's sudden passing at 29, made me realize how precious our time with our children is AND how we need to protect their time should anything happen to us.
Geoff and I have discussed our "wills" many times over. And I have made my wishes known to my father and close friends, but nothing has been legally drafted. I think this is because we don't necessarily agree on what we want for Maia. This is not fair to Maia or our families.
Geoff's stance is a sensible one. Should we meet our demise, Maia will be raised by family; either his parents or brother. Simple. Understandable.
I, on the other hand, want her to be raised by friends. I fear age, infirmity, I don't want Maia to have to go through the ordeal of death multiple times. And let's face it, there is a great divide between the generations. And although, I believe that Geoff's family would do what was best for Maia. I want her to be understood also(admittedly, I don't understand her at all).
So, for now, my Quicken Will Maker software sits unused. But not for long....