Monday, October 1, 2012

Dropping the bomb


Okay, I gotta make this one quick...  I am sorry to tell most of y'all this way, but The Ottenbergs are leaving Seneca.  After one of my more colorful episodes (I dropped the f bomb when Geoff's boss asked me a question about his job), Geoff has been transferred to Atlanta.  Yeah, for Geoff.  He really wanted this job, but didn't get it originally. Then his current boss was like, "we need to get rid of that lady."

Now, we are in full on panic mode.  After Geoff did not get the job, we had resigned ourselves to staying in Seneca until his 7 years were up.  I signed up to be room parent for Maia's class, agreed to teach science through May, etc...  But, it was not to be.   We are likely going to be out of here by the end of January.

So, please bear with us.  And if you know anyone interested in a 3/2 on the Clemson/Seneca perimeter, send them my way.

I shall end on a self deprecating note:  Geoff to Maia: What is black and white and waddles? Maia: Mommy in that dress.  Bazinga!
