Friday, January 6, 2012

Sleep Well, My Dear

When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, "Did you sleep good?" I said "No, I made a few mistakes."

I am a sleeper.  I love sleep.  I know several people who would argue that you shouldn't sleep your life away, and while I see their point, my bed is just too cozy to resist.  I have a weakness for bedding that paralyzes me.  I have more pajamas than dresses. But at the same time, I am a horrible sleeper.  It takes me a long time to go to sleep and if you wake me up mid-sleep, I am screwed (and you are too).  So you can imagine the kink a child threw into my habits.

For the last four and a half years I have mourned the loss of my sleep to anyone who will listen.  Early after Maia's birth, Geoff and I knew that we would no longer cuddle together as we drifted off to sleep.  Maia's tears would drive me to tears, so she was quickly picked up every time she cried.  Once I got my hormones into check (ha!), this pattern was already set for her and she would have it no other way.  In an earlier post I mentioned Maia's tenacious ability to get what she wants, especially at bed time.   Our current routine is that either Geoff or I will read to Maia in her bed until she drifts off.  Truth be told, if Geoff reads to her, he often falls asleep before she does.  I wouldn't begrudge this arrangement too much if she would stay in bed, but often she is in our bedroom a few hours later kicking me in the nose and stealing all of the covers.  
And now we have the post potty trained nigh time accident to contend with.  If said accident occurs, the WHOLE family is woken up to handle the mess.  And whereas Maia and Geoff can quickly fall back asleep, I am left to ponder life's great mysteries until the alarm clock goes off.  For a person craves sleep as much as I do, this behavior really cramps my style the next day.

Oh and just in case you were wondering, the answer to life's question is still 49....

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