Thursday, May 12, 2011

Envy Accepted

Before I tackle heavy stuff (my next plan is to tackle parenting and depression), I wanted all to know how much my day ROCKS!!! Maia and I have been locked in a battle of the wills for at least a month now.  And although it would be premature of me to declare "Mission Accomplished," I will do a happy dance.  And pray that she has mercy on me later.
To add to the mirth, Maia is rocking a play date without me.  I ordered a pizza (the Daddy forbidden BBQ Chicken), popped open a Coke and turned on the TV.  Yea, Yea.... I know I watched the end of SuperWhy bopping along, but it's a super catchy tune. Don't judge! But now Dexter is hacking up a child molester into bits, so all is good.
Now, while my ass widens on the couch, there are folded clothes to be put away, dishes in the sink, and exercises to be done.  To that I say, "Garçon, another slice, S'il vous plait!"
Oh... before I let you continue on with your lives that suddenly seem less bright, I have a story to tell. Tuesday, while Maia was at swim lessons, a man walked up to me and asked, "May I be nosy?" (We all know where this is going). "Sure." "What is wrong with you?"  As a smile spread across my face and chuckle escaped my lips, "Well sir, where do we begin...."

1 comment:

  1. Perfect answer to the nosy stranger!!! <3 that you are enjoying an afternoon of pizza and grown-up TV!
