Monday, May 9, 2011

Inquire Within.....

In my previous post, I talked about the the unsolicited help I get from strangers and how I felt that I was overly sensitive. My sensitivity stems not only from the perceived scrutiny of others, but my mostly me.  When Maia and I are out in public, I have to be pretty calculating and often fall into the trap of second guessing myself. So when a someone chimes in, as irrational as it is, they have hit my Achilles Heel, thus proving that I should not be left alone with Maia.  Worse yet, these people may just be being nice, but in my heightened state, I condemn them as doubters of The All Powerful Misty.
To those seeking a solution to such a dilemma, you are SOL. As crippling as self doubt can be, I think it is something that makes me a decent parent.  I don't portend to know what I doing makes me the perfect mama and I am more willing to scrap what's not working in favor of Plan B. Hey, wait.... Maybe I am perfect...


  1. Rarely in life is anyone or anything "perfect"... so maybe you are just the "perfect" mama for Maia.

  2. I think all parents feel insecure in public. So many varables, so many potentially judgemental strangers, etc. I always feel like everyone has got it more together than I do. For the most part they do, but especially since my back surgery I'm very defensive because I've worked very hard to get back to a place where I can take Riley out in public by myself again.
    Unless she falls asleep in the car before we get home in wich case, HELP! I haven't been able to get her from the car to her bed asleep since she was 9mo old. (:
